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马自达 和 米切尔 Renew Collision Network Agreement 和 Introduce Program Enhancements

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New features include improved promotional opportunities, estimating system updates 和 increased access to repair procedures for certified facilities

圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚.—米切尔, an Enlyte company 和 leading technology 和 information provider for the 财产 & 伤亡(P&C)索赔碰撞修复 行业, 和 马自达 North American Operations (MNAO) today announced that they have signed a contract renewal. Under the terms of the contract, 米切尔 will continue to serve as program administrator of the 马自达碰撞网络 在美国. 网络, 2021年推出, gives vehicle owners access to certified facilities specially equipped to deliver proper 和 safe 马自达 repairs.

“自从推出马自达碰撞网络系统以来, our focus has been on providing customers with quality repair work 和 exceptional service,罗布·米尔恩说, vice president of accessory 和 aftersales at MNAO. "Together with 米切尔 和 our growing network of shops, we are helping vehicle owners return to the road safely. We are also introducing more opportunities for repairers to promote their businesses."

The new program features put greater emphasis on consumer marketing. Following last year's release of the 马自达碰撞网络 在线设施定位器, the vehicle manufacturer added program information to its My马自达 mobile app. The app allows 马自达 owners to schedule service appointments, 找到附近的经销商, 查阅汽车手册, request roadside assistance 和 stay up to date with recalls. Now it can also be used to find nearby 马自达-certified shops. 另外, 提高网络可见性, program information is in the glove box of every new car 和 马自达 plans to soon provide active facilities with a plaque.

经过认证的马自达碰撞网络商店可以使用 米切尔云估算 to generate damage appraisals 和 view integrated, category-level 马自达 repair procedures. The latest OEM program enhancements also allow participating facilities to upload estimates 和 access 马自达 repair information when using a third-party collision estimating solution.

"We truly appreciate 马自达's confidence in our ability to effectively manage their collision network 和 assist their certified repair facilities in the delivery of complete, 安全及时的防撞维修,黛比·戴说, executive vice president 和 general manager of 米切尔's 自动物理伤害 division.

Repairers interested in joining the 马自达碰撞网络 can 在网上完成申请 or learn more by joining an upcoming informational webinar.


总部位于加州圣地亚哥., 米切尔 International, Inc. delivers smart technology solutions 和 services to the auto insurance, 碰撞修复, 残疾和工人补偿市场. 通过深厚的行业专业知识, connections throughout the insurance ecosystem 和 advanced technology such as artificial intelligence 和 cloud-based solutions, 米切尔 enables its customers 和 clients to succeed in today’s ever-changing environment. 每个月, 米切尔 processes tens of millions of transactions for more than 300 insurance providers, 20,000个碰撞修理设施和70,000年药房. Its comprehensive solution 和 service portfolio empowers clients to restore lives after a challenging event.

米切尔, Genex 和 Coventry have recently aligned their joint industry expertise 和 advanced technology solutions to form Enlyte, 一个拥有近6个品牌的母品牌,000 associates committed to simplifying 和 optimizing property, casualty 和 disability claims processes 和 services.

For 碰撞修复 和 property 和 casualty updates 和 perspectives, follow us on LinkedIn 或X (@米切尔Repair@米切尔Claims).